Six Tips For Staying Healthy When Eating Out

Paula Doebrich • May 05, 2021


Eating out is one of my favorite ways to socialize and spend quality time with friends. I know many people feel the same way. Eating out can also be a source of anxiety for many, as it often involves eating foods that may not be perceived as healthy. Luckily, there are ways to maintain a healthy diet while enjoying restaurant food.


And don’t forget - health is not only what we eat. Health is also how we feel mentally, so sometimes letting go of rigid rules and enjoying your favorite food with a friend is exactly what you need for health!


Here are the top six pieces of advice I usually give clients about eating out:


Sharing is caring but it will also save you a few calories! Order appetizers for the table and share them instead of ordering individual entrees. This way you can connect over the food and you eat less than you would without even noticing it.

Skip the bread basket

Don’t get me wrong, I love the bread too but I can’t tell you how many times I have eaten too much bread and then wasn’t hungry when the food arrived! The bread is usually not necessary and only looks good if you arrive ravenous. To prevent this, make sure to eat enough prior to heading out. You can also ask if the restaurant offers vegetable crudités instead - many restaurants do!

Order a side of veggies

Always order a side of veggies, preferably raw or steamed, and eat them first. This way you are filling up on the healthy stuff and once your meal arrives you will have an easier time controlling how much you eat. It’s easy to overeat if you are hungry, so satisfying that first hunger with vegetables is the best option.

Avoid fried foods

If you can, choose a baked, grilled, or steamed dish. Look out for menu items that are battered, “crispy”, “crunchy”, or fried. They will be excessively high in calories and fat. If you are ordering fired food, the side of vegetables in non-negotiable.

Dressing on the side

A salad is a great option to choose but many salad dressings are high in fat, sugar, and salt. Order the dressing on the side and ask for olive oil and vinegar. Drizzle a little over your salad instead of using the dressing. In most cases, it makes the salad taste better anyway! 

Take it home

Eat until you are satisfied and ask for the rest of your meal to be wrapped up. This way you have lunch for the next day covered and you won’t feel overly full. This step might take some practice but not overeating when enjoying restaurant food makes all the difference.

Remember, not to let your diet ruin the fun. If you eat out once or twice per week and stick to a healthy meal pattern on other days, you will likely maintain your progress.

Remember, not to let your diet ruin the fun. If you eat out once or twice per week and stick to a healthy meal pattern on other days, you will likely maintain your progress.


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